Live Asian Girls Sex Travel Cambodia Laos Thailand
Live Asian girls online sex chat is fantastic. But there’s nothing like taking a sex trip to Asia for yourself to understand the reality of sexy Oriental cam girls. So how was my trip? I get asked that question a lot. I usually lie about my antics, denying it profusely. It’s easier to say, oh I went to Vietnam, but I never ever tell people I went to Thailand.
The cash flow was good. I budgeted well bringing $10,000 Australian dollars for 30 days. Pattaya was cheaper than expected. Girls like one I met on Walking Street were a nice surprise. The one I got from a Thai go go bar girl. I mean she literally destroyed me for the same money that a beer bar girl can be picked up for. That Walking Street Thai hooker was fucking incredible, God bless those thighs and child bearing hips.
She was built for it. Not as skinny as a greyhound broads who are flatter than an ironing board. The flip side to Walking Street or Go Go bars in Pattaya for that matter, is that beer bar girls can be counted upon for “funzies” with at a two fuck guarantee. Once that evening and again in the morning before you kick her out.
Thai Go Go Bargirls Bar Beer Babes & Massage Girls
Some of those beer bar girls are imbued with the take care attitude that I love. I met plenty of those type of girls in Phnom Penh and Pattaya. We wake up and have sex. With Commands like – You want.? She flashes that cross mounted pussy at me and I get a hard on and I slam the ham for a while.
So I think a combination of Soi 6, or other beer bars plus your Walking Street and LK Metro GoGo’s and Massage shops are all top value. That’s probably the best thing about Pattaya. If you want sex then it’s on a sliding scale of quality over cost.
For me I go in search of Thai lbfm girls with the take care attitude still intact. I also like beer bar girls who can drink, have a joke with, as well as some sassy shit giving. I like the combo. We’re all adults. We know what this is and why we’re here. There’s no complication.
It’s The Thrill Of The Hunt With Live Asian Girls Real Sex
On the other hand, the live Asian go go 24 year old Thai lbfm twin girls are a great sports fucks. Thin as a greyhound but sometimes, though not always, not too good in bed. GoGo’s I still go to. For some reason I feel that I must since it’s all I do in Bangkiok besides some of the massage shops. Whether I’m in Bangkok or Pattaya I treat GoGo’s the same. They are short time fun. No more long times for me. I don’t bother anymore.
Whereas a beer bar girl. Man, that’s not a girl that a full grown woman, who has more often than not been through the ringer of life already, and her mind is usually right and with that there is that take care attitude that follows. Shopping around the many 100’s of beer bars Patty has on offer is the best part. The thrill of the hunt. And there are diamonds out there guys, seriously.
But I had the best fun time in Phnom Penh Cambodia and the sex there was terrific. Somehow in this hostess scene there is equal choice for both you and the girl. Whether or not she wants to go with you. So interview early, discreetly. A single drink will qualify this for you.
Always Remember Time Is Your Most Valuable Asset
My regrets, if any, is that I did not do enough recon work. There is way more pussy options out there in Phnom Penh and different affordable options too. You don’t ever have to get comfortable and settle for hostess bars. There are other ways to go.
But I can’t complain. Because I like the hostess bar scene and I got laid every night so everyone got what they wanted in the end and the world fuckin spins. Being home this winter sucks a silo of dicks that await for you for the eating. It’s cold, my energy levels are down. Mood swings are so so and I am actually kinda bored, not depressed, just really bored, I need to work.
Fake friends are the worst. Friends that come at you with their magic wand of ideas that fix your life inside a phone conversation and after you hang up you’re an afterthought between the commercials. Everyone is ensconced in their own little world. Their own orbit. Their own bubble. Nobody actually gives a fuck. I really gotta find a way out of this place.
What I gotta do more than anything is find my way back to the land of trim full of Sexy Asian Lbfm. And I ain’t looking for the one, the girl who’s out there somewhere, somewhere waiting for me.
Nah I’m wanting to fuck her and then my immediate after thought is, Wow she was great, I wonder what her live Asian girls friend is like?
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